Monday, August 17, 2009

August Bloom Day + 2

After a relaxing week traveling up the coast to Pismo Beach, its time for a mid-August garden update. The roses got active again while we were gone, and one of my favorites, Jardin de Bagatelles is in fine form, while Fame is getting ready to really show off as well.

We went kayaking at Avila Beach, and our guide explained that giant kelp grows up to 15 inches a day. The only thing that seemingly grows faster than giant kelp is an Italian Squash, as this beast appeared out of nowhere while we were gone.

Eyelash Sage, s. blepharophylla, is blooming again. Hummingbirds flock to this blossom.

....while Andean Sage, s. discolor, continues to please with easily the best looking foliage of any salvia in my garden. I have this positioned in nearly full shade under a large juniper tree, and it thrives. In spring, Andean Sage produces multiple bracts of deep indigo, nearly black flowers that are very unusual. Highly recommended!!

Finally, how about a subtle blaze of August color from Sticks on Fire, euphorbia tirucalli, tucked among the lavender and rosemary

1 comment:

  1. Want some more of that euphorbia? Mine got to be nearly 10 ft. tall this summer. I'm feeling claustrophobic! Had to chop some down. It's wounds are nicely dried and waiting for someone to want it. There are about 4 3ft.+ stalks.
